Landing Page (LP) Audit
If you’ve decided to create a website for your business, there’s likely a page that should outperform the others in terms of sales. Often, a person makes a purchase decision long before they land on your page.
And most likely, they had reasons to take advantage of your strong offer.
Landing Page (LP) Audit
If you’ve decided to create a website for your business, there’s likely a page that should outperform the others in terms of sales. This is your landing page (LP). Often, a person makes a purchase decision long before they land on your page. And most likely, they had reasons to take advantage of your strong offer.
So, what should a landing page look like where a potential client turns into a real one? Here’s a checklist for reviewing a new or existing landing page (LP):
Structure of a Complete Landing Page Audit:
I. Content and Structure of the Landing Page:
A) Presence of Basic Landing Page Elements:
- Logo with a detailed description of the company’s activities:
- Located in the upper left corner or center;
- Used as an image (high-quality picture);
- Has a descriptor (brief description of the niche).
- Headline:
- Located under the logo;
- Contains up to 9 words;
- You-oriented;
- Formatted in H1 tag (necessary for search engines);
- Contains a UVP (Unique Value Proposition) or intriguing question;
- Written in active voice;
- Reflects the content of the ad in the advertising campaign;
- Contains a qualitative adjective;
- Image (picture or video):
- High-quality image;
- Establishes an emotional connection with the user;
- Demonstrates the end result or process of interacting with the product;
- Unique (Image cannot be found in the public domain);
- Correlates with the content of the page and the headline;
- If people are present:
- The gaze is directed at the form or at the user;
- Slavs or representatives of the target audience are depicted;
- Positively emotionally colored;
- If there is a girl, then the chest is clearly visible;
- Slider is not used;
- Capture Form:
- Outlined with rounded fields;
- Has a unique (color different from the page background) solid background;
- Contains instructions for the fields in the active voice above the form field;
- Has up to 5 fields;
- Instructions are aligned to the left edge;
- Forms have validation (If data is filled in incorrectly, a hint is displayed to the user);
- Contains a mask for the phone number (limit on the number of digits entered);
- Contains clear instructions for filling out the form with a deadline (fill out now or by a specific date);
- Button:
- Bright (Unique color);
- Noticeable (visible from 2 meters);
- Located on the first screen;
- Call to action in the button:
- Clearly describes the next step;
- In active voice;
- The call is noticeable (can be read from 2 meters);
- There is a limitation in the call to action;
B) Presence of Additional Landing Page Elements:
- Additional headline:
- Formatted with the H2 tag;
- Contains a call to action or a question;
- Testimonials:
- Testimonials are real;
- Text testimonials or transcribed video testimonials do not contain stop words
(by the way, qualitatively); - The main idea (UVP, Benefits, description of the result…) of the review is highlighted;
- Graphically highlighted (background, style, quotation marks);
- The review contains a headline with the key benefit;
- No longer than 6 lines in an unexpanded form;
- Closes potential customer objections and calls for action;
- Contains information about the author:
- Company logo;
- Photo;
- Position;
- Contact details;
- Age;
- Link to the profile on the social network;
- Has a review structure:
- Reason for interest in the product;
- Key objections;
- Why they made the decision to buy;
- Results;
- What you can say to people who are in doubt;
- Price:
- Price is specific;
- If the cost of the service is high, then visual reduction of the cost:
- Not 30,000 rubles, but 30 thousand rubles;
- Not 30,000 rubles, but 222 rubles per day;
- Crossing out the “old” price, for example, 70,000 30,000 rubles;
- Highlighting in red;
- Using odd numbers – 29,970 rubles;
- **Discount:**
- Specific numbers;
- Uneven numbers with visual increase (even numbers up to 6, for example, 2426 rubles);
- The discount is highlighted with color, background, or graphically;
- Do not use percentages;
- **Deadline (Limitations):**
- By time:
- Specifically until a certain date (buy before January 10 and save 1246 rubles);
- The bonus is valid for 25 days from the date of receipt (limited time discount coupon);
- By number of people (5 places left);
- Limitation by quantity of goods (only 10 models at a special price);
- Bonus for the fastest (first 5 registered…);
- Melting discount (price increase every 2 days);
- By time:
- **Packages:**
- Several levels of access or several levels of service;
- Different prices with visual decrease;
- Availability of “Golden Toilet” – Super VIP for Super expensive;
- Located in descending order of price from left to right;
- The best offer is highlighted (font, size, color);
- Limitation on places or a bonus for the fastest;
- More gifts for an expensive package;
- Make the cheap tariff unprofitable;
- One advantage/bonus per line;
- Guarantees:
- The guarantee corresponds to one of the types:
- Guarantee of emotional satisfaction;
- Guarantee of result;
- Absolute guarantee;
- Personal guarantee with signature (satisfaction + result). In a personal guarantee, there is always a person, initials, position, and personal signature.
- The guarantee is located under the tariffs (package), FAQ, or reviews;
- The guarantee is graphically highlighted (frame, background, or image);
- The guarantee corresponds to one of the types:
- FAQ:
- FAQ is always located under the tariffs;
- The purpose of the FAQ is to close objections;
- The main thing is highlighted;
II. Landing Page Design:
- Overall Impression:
- Inspires confidence;
- Can you determine the purpose of the page in 5 seconds?
- Can you read the text in 30 seconds?
- From 3 ways to contact:
- Application;
- Phone number with time indication;
- Callback;
- Online consultant (Jivosite);
- Send feedback;
- Subscribe to the newsletter;
- Leave a comment;
- Order the product;
- Download the commercial offer/download the presentation;
- Address;
- Footer:
- Legal information;
- Contact information with address;
- Privacy policy;
- Copyright (2010 – 2014)
- No external links (exceptions are reviews – a link to a social network profile);
- The site is not overloaded with information (a lot of free space);
- Technical aspects (nuances):
- Background:
- Light
- Monochrome
- Text:
- Font size from 12 to 18 pixels;
- Heading size from 22 pixels;
- Text is contrasting (black text on a white background);
- No more than 6 lines in a paragraph;
- Double line spacing;
- Bulleted lists are used;
- Standard sans-serif font;
- Main points are highlighted in bold;
- Text is aligned to the left;
- Text is visually formatted (checkmarks, headings, etc.)
- You-oriented text;
- Text in active voice (no “if,” “maybe,” etc.);
- Links:
- Blue;
- Underlined;
- Design:
- One column per line;
- The call to action is repeated every 2 screens (but not more often);
- No drop-down lists are used;
- Tooltips are used for complex fields (for example, choosing a city);
- Open forms are used (no drop-down forms);
- No Pop-up and Pop-under;
- An explicit visual hierarchy is used (key elements are highlighted to manage the visitor’s attention);
- The principle of Proximity is observed (for example, the heading is closer to the block it describes or the interval from the heading to the text is reduced);
- There are no unnecessary graphic elements (lines, table borders, a huge number of pictures, reviews);
- No more than 5 colors on the landing page (there should not be a similar color scheme – yellow, light yellow, gold, etc.)
- Background:
III. Technical Analysis of the Landing Page:
- The site is displayed correctly in browsers:
- Google Chrome;
- Mozilla Firefox;
- Internet Explorer 9;
- Internet Explorer 8;
- Opera;
- Safari
- The site is correctly displayed on tablets and smartphones:
- Google Chrome;
- Safari;
- Opera Mini;
- The site is correctly displayed on the main screen resolutions:
- 800 – width;
- 1024 – width;
- 1280 – width;
- 1920 – width;
- 300 – width;
- Website loading speed is less than 5 seconds in all browsers:
- Check using Google Analytics or Google Tools;
- Online consultant (chat) installed:
- Contains a call to action;
- Opens within 1-30 seconds;
- Check the site in black and white;
- SMS notification of the application:
- To the client with confirmation that their application has been accepted;
- To the sales department about the received application;
IV. Offer or Final Proposal to the Consumer:
- On the website:
- Contains a clear and unambiguous benefit;
- You-oriented;
- Active voice;
- Contains a limitation;
- Has a guarantee;
- Has social proof;
- Located on the first screen;
- Competitive analysis;
- Compare 5 main competitors from the main source of attracting customers according to the following parameters in an excel table:
- Product price;
- Service:
- Product availability;
- Delivery speed;
- Delivery cost;
- Response speed;
- Working hours (what happens if you call after hours or on weekends);
- Availability of bonuses and gifts when buying a product;
- Guarantee;
- Operator expertise;
- SMS notification of the submitted application;
- Geographic location;
- On the website:
- Quality of the landing page from 1 to 5. Evaluated according to the following criteria:
- First screen;
- Logo with descriptor;
- Relevant headline;
- Image;
- Offer;
- Pleasant design;
- Availability of reviews.
- Quality of the landing page from 1 to 5. Evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Online consultant (chat) installed:
- Contains a call to action;
- Opens within 1-30 seconds;
- Check the site in black and white;
- SMS notification of the application:
- To the client with confirmation that their application has been accepted;
- To the sales department about the received application;