Authoritative sites
Authoritative sites are sites that are trusted by search engines for the quality of their content and the reliability of their information. They usually comply with certain algorithms
Authoritative sites are sites that are trusted by search engines for the quality of their content and the reliability of their information. They usually comply with certain algorithms
Authority – the degree to which a site is trusted by users and search engines.
Above the fold – the top half of the visible part of the site on the first screen. In other words, the visible part of the site when it loads.
Audience in web-analytics – a set of Internet users who have visited a certain web-site; a community of people formed by a web-project.
Web analytics is a system for measuring, collecting, analysing, presenting and interpreting information about visitors to websites in order to improve and optimise them.
Онлайн-запуск бренда АСТЕРИЯ Home Light (h-l).
Разработка сайта;
Создание контента для социальных сетей; Настройка контекстной рекламы Yandex
и Google;
Настройка систем аналитики и отчётность.
The extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services.
The ideal UTP, like the ideal headline, makes you want to delve deeper and know more about your product, business, and value…
Content is the most important component of any website, but the popularity of content is determined by a properly chosen distribution strategy.
Create a useful post on a hot topic: preparing text content on Instagram. What to talk about with your audience? Lets discuss…