Analytics (Web analytics)
Web analytics is a system for measuring, collecting, analysing, presenting and interpreting information about visitors to websites in order to improve and optimise them.
Web analytics is a system for measuring, collecting, analysing, presenting and interpreting information about visitors to websites in order to improve and optimise them.
The extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services.
Content is the most important component of any website, but the popularity of content is determined by a properly chosen distribution strategy.
Единая метрика, которая показывает эффективность маркетинга в целом…
Инструмент Facebook для измерения эффективности рекламы и точной настройки таргетинга на основе собранных данных
Bounce rate = number of sessions with one page view / total number of sessions. Bounce rate is a fraction of the total number of sessions.
UX — это сфера между дизайном и аналитикой: дизайнеры думают о том, какие ощущения вызывает продукт, и разрабатывают прототипы.
Как только клиент прошел авторизацию Analytics фиксирует его User ID. Он показывает конкретику о количестве пользователей, а не устройств.
In Google Analytics, a Client ID is a unique identifier assigned to each browser-device pair that visits your website. It’s a randomly generated number stored in a cookie (_ga cookie for Universal Analytics or ga container ID for GA4) on the user’s device.
Sampling is a way of sampling the data on which the reporting will be based.