Website Promotion Checklist
Publishing a checklist for comprehensive WEB-site promotion. This process allows you to create a stream of clients from WEB traffic.
Publishing a checklist for comprehensive WEB-site promotion. This process allows you to create a stream of clients from WEB traffic.
Multi-link is a tool that is widely used by the business segment of Instagram. Developers of multi-link services assure that creating the simplest page can take no more than 5 minutes…
A high-quality website, expensive design, and other elements lose their meaning if there’s no content that your target audience needs.
A tripwire is a small first purchase. It’s not your main product yet, but it’s also not a free lead magnet.
Alt is an alternative text for the img (image) tag. The text tells the search engine what is shown in the image.
Alias – An additional domain for an existing site. When accessing the alias, the user is directed to the main site.
An acceptor or recipient site is a promoted site that is linked to by backlinks placed on a donor site.
Account (account) – a set of data about the user, necessary for recognising him/her and providing access to his/her personal data and settings of the service or website.
Add URL – a search engine page that contains a special form to inform the search engine that a new page has been added to the site.
AGS from Yandex. A filter that removes sites with excessive adverts, links, etc. from the search results. “Anti-GovnoSite”, and abbreviated as AGS.