In a Nutshell About UTP + Checklist for Creating Proposal
The ideal UTP, like the ideal headline, makes you want to delve deeper and know more about your product, business, and value…
This is a collection of publications about the tools we use for promotion.
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The ideal UTP, like the ideal headline, makes you want to delve deeper and know more about your product, business, and value…
Create a useful post on a hot topic: preparing text content on Instagram. What to talk about with your audience? Lets discuss…
Learn which channels played a key role in the purchase and realise that some of the money is going “NOT THERE” using the Google Analytics attribution model
Every sales-oriented website has a page that converts potential customers into real ones. Here’s a checklist for what a landing page (LP) should look like:
The development of the Improve Media channel on YouTube in the storytelling format. Follow us on social media in 2019 and learn our channel promotion scheme
How to quickly create a customer avatar and consider all the necessary parameters? The right checklist and about 20 minutes of your time will solve this task.
Setting up Google Tag Manager in 2019 is a free service from Google that allows you to install web analytics counters, social media pixels, goal tracking and more on your website.
Shopping Tags are a feature on Instagram that allows you to tag any item in a photo as a product. By tapping on the photo, the user sees the name and price of all tagged products. Tapping on a tag takes the user to the product page.
Presenting the top 3 keyword research tools relevant to the CIS region, suitable for any task…
We will briefly outline the tools we are actively working on now to implement them in the coming year.