The Improve Media Channel Promotion Experience
Like many of you, we’ve always paid attention to YouTube, understanding that it has a multi-million audience who would be interested in what both we and our clients are promoting: products, services, knowledge… However, for the purpose of promoting the project, we haven’t used this powerful tool (to the necessary extent).
With this post, we are starting a series of practical materials on attracting clients from YouTube. By the end of the series, you will see the results on our channel:
Before we start, I’ll note right away that the results we are aiming for are not typical. Our project is not a blogger with a million-strong audience; we don’t need 100,000 video views. We don’t need to get huge views on hype or by hating on others; we don’t latch onto news stories to gain views.
Our goal is to create a critical mass of useful content and make the channel grow automatically (through video optimization and organic promotion for queries) without investing new effort in content production. Let’s call it an experiment of sorts.
Currently, at the time of writing this post, we only have 17 subscribers (this is our starting point).
We are not proud of these results. Considering that the topic of online promotion is quite popular, we could have created much more content, gained significantly more views and subscribers among our target audience during the time the channel has existed (over 5 years). But we were busy with other things. So for now, it is what it is 🙂
How we will build the system:
Our System for Attracting Clients from YouTube
In every topic/niche, there are queries that the audience is searching for. We are confident that when you launched your online business, you carefully analyzed the niche, demand, competitors, websites, and traffic sources to understand what you would have to face.
If not, read about the TOP-3 services for selecting keywords on our blog.
This immediately outlines point 1: YouTube is a long-term game.
There are queries in our topic that the audience is searching for. This is the so-called semantic core. [SEO promotion from immedia]
Our task is to make sure that when a person enters a certain query on YouTube, our video (which provides an answer to the user’s query) appears in the top positions of the search results.
For example: a person enters the query “smm,” and here’s a video about our service.
The results for the query “immedia smm” are shown. I agree, there is no reason to be proud of this screenshot yet – it’s a low-frequency query. Our goal is to appear for the most high-frequency queries like “smm,” “effective smm,” “email marketing,” etc. [immedia services].
Our Goal:
The main task is that after watching the video, the person receives valuable content, an answer to their question, and gets to know us. And when we voice a call to action, for example: “click the link in the description to…,” the viewer clicks.
Thus, we will get free traffic from the audience to our platforms (websites, groups, social media pages).
Moreover, people who come after watching the video are not as “cold” as, for example, from regular advertising. Here, we have already provided value, results upfront, and overcome the “friend or foe” barrier – the principle of reciprocity is at work.
This immediately outlines point 2 – our goal is to create good content, not what we often see on YouTube.
Further in marketing, everything will depend on our sales funnel.
If we have the right work with the audience, we get potential clients who will move into the client category with a higher probability than regular cold traffic.
That’s why a channel with 200-300 videos can earn more than a channel with several hundred thousand views. Because in the first case, we attract the target audience to our “sales system,” and not just record videos to laugh and then earn a little on YouTube advertising.
Video Optimization
The main traffic on YouTube comes from related videos. When you watch a thematic video, your videos are suggested by YouTube itself on the right. And if the topic is relevant to the person, they will click to watch our video in more detail. Here’s an example:
The results so far leave much to be desired. However, we will apply technologies and see in a couple of months 🙂
Channel Promotion Actions for the Near Future:
- We collect popular queries in our topic, for which people might be searching for us (in Yandex, Google, YouTube).
- We record many valuable, useful videos for these queries.
- We make sure that the videos appear in the top positions and are shown more often in related videos.
- We set hooks to “catch” the viewer (to come to our platform).
- Profit (here, everything will depend on the sales system – how much we adapt it during the promotion period).
Key Features: Pros and Cons
The first feature is that it’s not fast.
We consider this method as a source of FREE clients.
If we need quick results, we can launch paid advertising on YouTube, run 1 selling video, and pump traffic on an industrial scale. But this requires a budget + this will be “in your face” advertising (similar to advertising on social networks). We have different tasks.
The second feature is that you need to shoot videos.
For some, shooting videos is a whole quest that can stretch on for years. That’s why channels are abandoned – there’s no time to shoot.
An example of a developing channel – CS channel on YouTube
There are videos and engagement there. But the pace at the time of writing this article leaves much to be desired.
The third feature is that it’s not suitable for everyone.
If there are no key queries in your topic, it’s not actively searched for, and you can’t adapt any content to it to smoothly lead to your niche, then it’s better not to do this.
You need to soberly assess the development prospects before starting to work with YouTube. It often happens that there seems to be content, but it’s not relevant to the audience.
We have started the process of developing and promoting the project on YouTube, and we invite you to evaluate the result.