Churn rate

Churn rate, also known as the rate of attrition or customer churn, is a metric that measures the rate at which customers stop doing business with an entity within a specific period. This can be applied to various scenarios:

CAC – cost acquisition client

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a key business metric that measures the average cost a company incurs to acquire a new customer. It includes all costs associated with sales and marketing efforts, such as advertising expenses, salaries, commissions, bonuses,

CPA (cost per action)

Цена за действие (CPA) рассчитывается как стоимость, деленная на количество измеряемых действий. Так, например, если расходы на кампанию составляют 150 долларов США, а действий, связанных с этой кампанией, – 10, это даст кампании стоимость за действие 15 долларов США.